Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Unsion Medical Outreach Downtown Cuenca

 Unsion is the mastermind of a missionary Bill Mcdonald and his wife in Cuenca, Ecuador. He is supported by Assemblies of God. My church back home, Living Faith is also through Assemblies of God. My pastor gave me all his information before I even arrived in Ecuador. I am so excited for all the other adventures through Unsion I will have. This outreach was open to the public. They checked there eyes, blood, and skin. I was in the teeth department. I translated for a woman from Indiana. We showed the patients how to properly brush teeth and wash hands and afterwards handed out toothpaste and toothbrushes. They also had a puppet show for the kids and handed out candy. Ironic I know, candy and toothbrushes.

Blood tests

Waiting to get their eyes checked
About 400 people went through my station, and these kids loved the free toothbrushes and trying out there skills on the model.
My partner in crime. The college student I translated for.

The Team

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Out to Sushi with my friends from School!

It was a classmate's birthday on Wednesday and a couple of people from class went out to celebrate! It was probably the best Sushi I ever had. It was so funny, I never saw any of these kids in other clothes besides there uniform! They were pretty stylish if you ask me haha.
Paula and I

My Sushi!! They lit it on fire!

After Sushi Marceo and I went to a festival downtown.

 I thought this was funny. Even Cuenca's Sewer caps have style with the Cuenca Logo on them.

Best Candy Apple I ever had

Marceo and I picked out alot of these Ecuadorian sweets


 Well last weekend I went to Quito! Papar picked me up at 7:10 Friday morning and dropped me off at the airport. I was excited to have my first plane ride in Ecuador solo! It only took 40 minutes to get from Cuenca to Quito, it felt like 10 minutes. The plane was having turbulence and I forgot what a short flight it was. When we started descending I was thinking the worst haha. Mami, Papi, and Joi were already in Quito getting Joi's apartment ready. She is going to school there studying business administration.
I took this picture from the plane. 

This is my host sister, Joi and her friend.

This is in Jois new apartment!

For lunch on Saturday we went to a restuarant outside of Quito in the mountains. I got a typical Ecuadorian dish.

At the restaurant.
Sopa (Soup)

The view from the restaurant

I thought it was going to spit right in my mouth!!

Abuelito and I on the absolute middle of the earth!

Awwwww Abuelito and Abuelita

Each side of my Body on Both sides of the Planet.

Its not easy being on both sides of the planet!

The land marker of the center of the Earth

All of the crew Mami, Papi, Joi, I, Abuelito, and Abuelita

Mami and Papi dancing

The view from abuela Tia's House. That mountain in the back has a Volcano directly behind it. Papi has pictures from this same view and a huge mushroom cloud on top of it when the Volcano exploded. That was about 10 years ago. 
Jois apartment

She is on the top floor

We stopped for lunch on the 8 hour drive back to Cuenca. Another typical dish.

I have found my new favorite Smoothie!! An Aguacate Shake or Avocado Shake! The most delicious thing better than a milkshake.

This is the oldest church in Ecuador

Look how thick those walls are

This is a field we saw on the way back. It was so bright yellow it hurt your eyes!!